An Age-Old Dilemma
Do you want to own more people? Of course, we all do. You are busy. You have a lot on your plate. Let's face it, there aren't enough hours in the day to get it all done and pay the bills at the same time. You need some extra help. You need a slave. But who can afford to buy a whole slave in this economy, and keep them quiet about all the slavery that's going on? Nobody, that's who.
Do you want to own more people? Of course, we all do. You are busy. You have a lot on your plate. Let's face it, there aren't enough hours in the day to get it all done and pay the bills at the same time. You need some extra help. You need a slave. But who can afford to buy a whole slave in this economy, and keep them quiet about all the slavery that's going on? Nobody, that's who.
I have a solution for you. It came to me when JuliaWife and I stayed at a time-share property. The time-share concept is simple: you want a vacation property but you can't afford to buy the whole thing. A lot of other people in your same situation can pitch in with you to be part owners of one big vacation property, and you share the time at that property with them. You don't get a whole property to yourself, but you do get an affordable percentage of one without all the hassle of owning and maintaining the whole thing. Win and win.
Before we can apply this in a way that gets you your slave(s), we need to be on the same page about a few key concepts.
1) Slavery. Slavery is a system where people are viewed as property and can be owned by other people. When one person owns another person as his slave, he gets access to about 90% of the slave's time and energy. The other 10% is freely given to the slave to do with it what he will. With his 10%, a traditional slave may choose to sleep lying on his back OR lying on his side. With his 10%, a traditional slave may choose to chew his food with the right side of his mouth OR the left side of his mouth. It's totally up to him! It's his free time to do with it as he will.
2) Money. Paper money allows us to trade our time and energy with others in a way that is simpler than directly trading tasks or goods. It's hard to determine how many hours of tax consulting it takes to trade for a Playstation, or how much pig feed amounts to 32 oz of Mountain Dew.
So, we exchange our time and energy for paper money so that we can trade with others more easily. Our money is really just human time and energy condensed into something that you can hold in your hand, fold into a wallet, or stack it to the ceiling like this guy.
3) Sharing. This can be tricky since some people believe that sharing should be a choice, while others believe that choice isn't as important. The idea in either case is that one person gives their time or energy (in any form, even money) to another person in order to help them.
So here's how we solve your slavery problem. You need slaves but you can't afford them. Other people need slaves but they can't afford them either. Let's get some time-share slaves! (The sharing may or may not be the voluntary type.) Each one of us could pitch in to own a smaller percentage of a large group of slaves. If we spread that out over many people and many slaves, we will get some of the benefits of slave ownership at an affordable price but without all the hassle of traditional slave ownership (auctions, trading, breeding, whipping, etc.). And get this, I guarantee this will work or you can opt out at any time.*
Working Out Some Kinks
A good time-share slavery operation will need to apply some of the ideas that worked with traditional slavery but to a lesser extent. Traditional slavery took too much from its slaves too quickly. This means we can't give our time-share slaves the traditional amount of free time (10%) and expect good results. We'll need to start with more free time and decrease it gradually. We could start by designating 99% of their time to be free time (we only require 1% of their time to be slave time). Later, we could point out that some slaves are more productive and that they are getting more from their free time than other slaves. To be fair, we'll ask a little bit more of our more productive slaves. After a few generations we'll be able to increase the slave time to about 40% for our more productive slaves (the ratio will be determined by individual slave productivity and the perception of fairness among owners in the time-share community). A good operation will start low and increase slave time slowly to avoid making waves among the time-share slaves who will be sharing the most time. This may take a few generations of slaves to get good and established. Patience is key.
A good time-share slavery operation will need to apply some of the ideas that worked with traditional slavery but to a lesser extent. Traditional slavery took too much from its slaves too quickly. This means we can't give our time-share slaves the traditional amount of free time (10%) and expect good results. We'll need to start with more free time and decrease it gradually. We could start by designating 99% of their time to be free time (we only require 1% of their time to be slave time). Later, we could point out that some slaves are more productive and that they are getting more from their free time than other slaves. To be fair, we'll ask a little bit more of our more productive slaves. After a few generations we'll be able to increase the slave time to about 40% for our more productive slaves (the ratio will be determined by individual slave productivity and the perception of fairness among owners in the time-share community). A good operation will start low and increase slave time slowly to avoid making waves among the time-share slaves who will be sharing the most time. This may take a few generations of slaves to get good and established. Patience is key.
I am aware that our country's relationship with traditional slavery ended in a way that makes things a bit awkward, but time-share slavery can overcome this. Remember, money is a way of transforming human time and energy into paper, so when people look at their money they don't see hard work and time, they just see some dirty old money. So we won't come right out and say, "Hey time-share slaves, come do 40% of your slave time over here in the kitchens or over there in the fields." No no. We'll simply invite them to participate in this incredible ownership opportunity and ask them to pay their "annual dues" (slave time) WITH MONEY -- it's just dirty, old money. This way they don't feel like slaves, they feel like slave owners taking part in a great ownership opportunity. The pride of ownership will keep most slaves in the program without thinking about the awkward topic of slavery. And we'll get to spend the slave time (money) we collect from them as if it were our own money. It's just like having a real human slave.
Don't Worry
Now, some of you at this point might be worried that if you sign up you'll be a time-share slave and not an owner. Let me just reassure you that this is not the case. No way. Not you. You are owner material, not slave material. Sure you'll be expected to pay annual dues like all the other owners, but you can opt out at any time.* And hey, let's not forget that you're about to own your very own human slaves! This is something that hasn't been done for decades.
If you want to know more about your incredible opportunity to be a time-share slave owner, and how to keep your time-share slaves quiet and happy, then stay tuned, there's more to come. And if you bring 5 friends to the next online meeting, you could win your very own iPad!**
*The "opt-out" option is only made available to slaves who die, leave the country, or become permanently disabled.
**Prizes subject to change at anytime and may only be imaginary.
**Prizes subject to change at anytime and may only be imaginary.
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